Mastering the KonMari Method: Marie Kondo’s Secrets to Tidying Up and Finding Joy

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If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed by the clutter in your home, the KonMari Method may be just what you need. Created by organizing consultant Marie Kondo, this approach to tidying up emphasizes the importance of finding joy in your surroundings. By following the KonMari Method, you can declutter your home, organize your belongings, and create a space that sparks joy.

Key Takeaways

  • The KonMari Method was created by Marie Kondo, a renowned organizing consultant.
  • The method prioritizes finding joy in your belongings and surroundings.
  • Decluttering is done by category, rather than by room.
  • The KonMari Method emphasizes the emotional impact of tidying up and the benefits of creating a harmonious home environment.
  • By implementing the KonMari Method, you can enjoy a clutter-free space that reflects your values and brings you a sense of peace and contentment.

What is the KonMari Method?

The KonMari Method is a revolutionary approach to tidying up and organizing developed by Japanese organizing consultant Marie Kondo. At its core, the KonMari Method is a philosophy that emphasizes the importance of surrounding oneself with items that bring joy and discarding those that do not.

KonMari Method differs from traditional tidying methods, which often involve tackling clutter by room or area of the home. Instead, the KonMari Method guides individuals to declutter by category, beginning with clothing and moving on to books, papers, miscellaneous items, and sentimental items.

By working through each category in a specific order, individuals can hone their decision-making skills, learn to identify what truly brings them joy, and create a clutter-free living space that reflects their values and priorities.

Marie Kondo has authored several books on the KonMari Method, including “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up” and “Spark Joy.” Her approach has earned a devoted following worldwide and has inspired countless individuals to transform their homes and lives through the power of tidying up.

Decluttering by Category: The KonMari Order

The KonMari Method breaks down the tidying up process into different categories and recommends decluttering by category rather than by room. By decluttering by category, you can assess all items in a specific category together, making it easier to identify duplicates and determine what truly sparks joy.

The KonMari order for decluttering categories begins with clothing, followed by books, papers, miscellaneous items, and sentimental items. This order is deliberate, as clothing is often the easiest category for most people to start with, and sentimental items can be the most challenging.

KonMari Order for Decluttering Categories
1. Clothing
2. Books
3. Papers
4. Miscellaneous items
5. Sentimental items

By following this order, you will learn to appreciate the value that items bring to your life and make more mindful decisions about what to keep and what to let go. This approach also prevents you from getting overwhelmed by starting with easier categories and building momentum as you move to more challenging ones.

Breaking down the decluttering process by category can also help you identify which items to keep. For example, when decluttering clothing, hold each item in your hands and ask yourself if it sparks joy. If it does, keep it. If it doesn’t, thank it for its service and let it go.

The KonMari order for decluttering categories is essential to the KonMari Method. By utilizing this approach, you will declutter your space and create a home filled with items that bring joy and happiness to your life.

The Joy-Checking Method

The KonMari Method is not just about decluttering your space – it’s about surrounding yourself only with items that bring you joy. In order to do this, Marie Kondo developed a technique called “joy-checking,” which involves evaluating each item you own to determine whether it truly sparks joy for you.

When joy-checking, it’s important to hold each item in your hands and ask yourself whether it brings you happiness. This process allows you to acknowledge the emotional connection you have to each possession and enables you to make more informed decisions about what to keep and what to let go.

It’s worth noting that joy-checking is not just limited to material belongings – it can be applied to other areas of your life as well. When making decisions about relationships, careers, and other aspects of your life, ask yourself whether they bring you joy and fulfillment.

By using the joy-checking method, you can cultivate a home filled with items that truly make you happy and lead a more intentional and fulfilling life.

Next up, we’ll explore one of the most unique aspects of the KonMari Method – KonMari folding. Learn how to organize your clothes with gratitude in section 5.

KonMari Folding: Organizing Clothes with Gratitude

One of the most iconic aspects of the KonMari Method is the folding technique that Marie Kondo developed. Rather than simply throwing clothes haphazardly into drawers or on shelves, KonMari folding allows you to organize your clothing in a way that is both space-efficient and visually pleasing.

The process starts by laying the garment flat and carefully folding it into a small rectangle. This not only saves space but also allows you to see all of your clothing at a glance, making it easier to decide what to wear. But KonMari folding goes beyond just practicality – it also encourages a sense of gratitude for your clothing.

As you fold each item, take a moment to appreciate it. Consider how it makes you feel and why you chose to keep it. This practice of decluttering with gratitude can help you develop a deeper appreciation for your possessions and make it easier to let go of items that no longer serve you.

And the benefits of KonMari folding extend beyond just clothing. You can apply the same technique to towels, linens, and other fabric items in your home. By folding everything with care and gratitude, you can create a more organized and harmonious environment.

The Emotional Impact of the KonMari Method

The KonMari Method created by Marie Kondo goes beyond mere physical decluttering. It has a profound emotional impact that can lead to positive changes in your life. By tidying up your living environment according to the principles of the KonMari Method, you are not only freeing up space, but also freeing up your mind. You will experience a sense of calm and clarity that can help you make more informed decisions about your life.

The emotional impact of the KonMari Method is rooted in the idea of letting go. By discarding items that no longer spark joy, you are freeing yourself from the burden of holding on to the past. This can be challenging, especially when it comes to sentimental items. However, Marie Kondo encourages you to cherish the memories associated with these items, rather than the items themselves.

The KonMari Method also encourages you to focus on what you want to keep, rather than on what you want to discard. This simple shift in perspective can have a profound impact on your mindset. By surrounding yourself with items that bring joy, you create a positive living environment that can help you feel more content and fulfilled.

Ultimately, the emotional impact of the KonMari Method is about creating a harmonious space that reflects your values and brings you joy. It is about decluttering your physical and emotional space, so you can live a more intentional and fulfilling life.

The KonMari Method in Practice: Tips and Techniques

Implementing the KonMari Method in your own life may seem daunting at first, but with these tips and techniques, you can make the process more manageable and enjoyable.

Create a Tidying Schedule

Breaking down the decluttering process into smaller tasks can help you stay motivated and prevent burnout. Create a schedule that works for you, whether it’s tackling one category per week or setting aside a few hours each day to tidy up.

Follow the KonMari Order

The KonMari order, which recommends decluttering by category rather than by room, can help you make more informed decisions about what to keep and what to let go. Start with clothing, move on to books and papers, and save sentimental items for last.

Use the Joy-Checking Method

Before deciding whether to keep or discard an item, ask yourself if it sparks joy. Holding each item and assessing your emotional response can help you create a home filled with belongings that truly make you happy.

Get Creative with Storage

The KonMari Method emphasizes the importance of organizing your belongings in a visually pleasing and accessible way. Experiment with different storage solutions, such as foldable drawers and closet dividers, to make the most of your space.

Deal with Sentimental Items Carefully

Sentimental items, such as family heirlooms and photographs, can be especially difficult to part with. Marie Kondo recommends taking the time to properly thank each item before letting it go, and keeping only those that truly bring you joy.

Share the Process with Others

Decluttering can be a transformative and emotional experience. Consider sharing the process with a friend or family member for added support and motivation. You can also donate unwanted items to charity or sell them online.

By incorporating these techniques into your own KonMari journey, you can create a more organized and joyful home environment. Remember to approach the process with a positive mindset and enjoy the journey to a clutter-free life.


The KonMari Method, developed by Marie Kondo, is more than just a tidying technique. It’s a philosophy that aims to transform your relationship with your belongings and create a more meaningful and joyful life. By following the KonMari order and joy-checking your possessions, you can declutter your space and keep only the items that truly spark joy.

But the KonMari Method goes beyond physical clutter. It can help you process and let go of emotions attached to your belongings, and create a more harmonious home environment that promotes positivity and mindfulness. By organizing your space with gratitude, you can cultivate a sense of appreciation for your belongings and reduce the accumulation of unnecessary items.

Implementing the KonMari Method in your own life may seem daunting at first, but it’s a process that can be customized to fit your needs and preferences. Start by tackling one category at a time, and take breaks when needed to avoid feeling overwhelmed. Remember to celebrate your progress and appreciate the journey, rather than focusing solely on the end result.

Start Your Journey to a More Organized and Joyful Life Today

By embracing the KonMari Method, you can create a clutter-free space that reflects your values and brings you a sense of peace and contentment. Take the first step today and commit to decluttering your space by following the KonMari order. Remember that tidying up is not just about achieving a clean home, but a way to improve your overall quality of life and rediscover the joy in everyday moments.

Thank you for reading and happy tidying!


Q: What is the KonMari Method?

A: The KonMari Method is a decluttering and organizing approach created by Marie Kondo. It focuses on surrounding yourself with belongings that bring you joy and letting go of items that no longer serve a purpose in your life.

Q: What is the recommended order for decluttering in the KonMari Method?

A: The KonMari Method recommends decluttering by category, starting with clothing, then moving on to books, papers, miscellaneous items, and finally sentimental items. This order allows you to gain momentum and make more informed decisions about what to keep and what to let go.

Q: How do I know if an item sparks joy?

A: Marie Kondo suggests using the joy-checking method when deciding what to keep. Simply hold the item in your hands and ask yourself if it brings you joy or happiness. If it doesn’t, it may be time to let go of it.

Q: How can I fold clothes using the KonMari Method?

A: KonMari folding is a technique that allows you to save space and appreciate your clothing. Start by folding items into thirds and then into smaller rectangles. Store them vertically, so you can easily see and access each item.

Q: Can the KonMari Method help with emotional clutter?

A: Yes, the KonMari Method acknowledges the emotional impact of clutter. By letting go of possessions that no longer serve you, you can create a more harmonious environment and cultivate a positive mindset.

Q: How can I implement the KonMari Method in my own life?

A: To implement the KonMari Method, start by setting aside dedicated time for decluttering. Follow the recommended order for tidying up and focus on one category at a time. Remember to joy-check each item and make thoughtful decisions about what to keep.

Q: What if I have sentimental items I struggle to let go of?

A: Dealing with sentimental items can be challenging. Marie Kondo suggests keeping only those items that truly spark joy and finding creative ways to honor your memories, such as through photographs or a designated memory box.

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