The 90/90 Rule: A Minimalist’s Strategy to Streamlined Living

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In today’s fast-paced world, many of us accumulate possessions that we don’t really need or use. This can lead to cluttered homes and minds, making it difficult to find what we need and causing unnecessary stress. Fortunately, there’s a solution – the 90/90 Rule.

The 90/90 Rule is a strategy popularized by The Minimalists, offering a practical approach to minimalist decluttering. By adopting this rule, you can simplify your life and create a more intentional living environment.

Key Takeaways

  • The 90/90 Rule is a strategy popularized by The Minimalists for achieving a simplified and decluttered life.
  • This rule suggests that if you haven’t used an item in the past 90 days and don’t anticipate using it in the next 90 days, it’s time to let it go.
  • By regularly evaluating your belongings and letting go of items you no longer use or need, you can create a living space that promotes simplicity and mindful consumption.
  • The 90/90 Rule can positively impact various aspects of your life, such as reducing stress and increasing productivity.
  • Embrace the 90/90 Rule and experience the transformative power of decluttering for yourself.

Understanding the 90/90 Rule

The 90/90 Rule, also known as the 180-day rule or item usage check, is a decluttering challenge that can help you simplify your life. The concept is simple: if you haven’t used an item in the past 90 days and don’t anticipate using it in the next 90 days, it’s time to let it go. By applying this rule, you can gradually declutter your living space and create a more intentional and streamlined environment.

One of the benefits of the 90/90 Rule is that it helps you evaluate your belongings objectively. It’s easy to become attached to our possessions, even if we no longer use them. By setting a specific time frame for item usage, we can make more informed decisions about what to keep and what to discard.

In addition, the 90/90 Rule can be a helpful tool for those who struggle with indecisiveness when it comes to decluttering. The clear guidelines of the challenge can provide structure and motivation to tackle the task at hand.

So, how can you get started with the 90/90 Rule? Begin by conducting a thorough inventory of your possessions, asking yourself whether each item has been used recently or is likely to be used in the near future. If the answer is no, it’s time to say goodbye. Remember, decluttering is a process, not an event, so be patient with yourself as you work towards a more minimalist lifestyle.

Applying the 90/90 Rule in Practice

Now that you understand the concept of the 90/90 Rule, it’s time to put it into practice. One of the best ways to start is by conducting regular item checks. Set aside time each month to evaluate your belongings and decide what you no longer need or use.

As you begin to declutter, consider adopting a Minimalist approach to possessions. Instead of holding onto items “just in case” you might need them, focus on keeping only what adds value to your life. Ask yourself if an item brings you joy or serves a practical purpose. If not, it’s time to let it go.

To simplify your possessions, try implementing the simplicity method. As you sort through your belongings, create categories such as “keep,” “donate,” or “discard.” This will help you make decisions more efficiently and stay organized throughout the process.

The Benefits of the 90/90 Rule

The 90/90 Rule provides more than just a practical decluttering method; it can positively impact various aspects of your life and overall well-being. By embracing minimalism and letting go of excess items, you can experience a sense of freedom and clarity that extends beyond your physical space.

One of the most significant benefits of the 90/90 Rule is reduced stress. Studies have shown that cluttered environments can lead to increased levels of cortisol, the hormone associated with stress. By simplifying your living space, you can create a calming and relaxing atmosphere that promotes peace of mind.

Additionally, adopting a Minimalist approach to possessions can free up time and increase productivity. Without the burden of excessive belongings, you can spend less time organizing and cleaning and more time pursuing your passions and hobbies.

The 90/90 Rule can also lead to improved financial well-being. By limiting your consumerism and avoiding excessive purchases, you can save money and put it towards experiences and goals that truly matter to you.

Overall, the 90/90 Rule offers a holistic approach to decluttering and streamlining your life. By embracing simplicity, you can create a living space that promotes mindfulness, intentionality, and overall well-being.


The 90/90 Rule, popularized by The Minimalists, offers a simple yet effective strategy for achieving a minimalist lifestyle. By regularly evaluating your belongings and letting go of items you no longer use or need, you can create a living space that promotes simplicity and mindful consumption.

Embracing the 90/90 Rule can be a transformative experience. It can help reduce stress, increase productivity, and improve overall well-being. By adopting a minimalist approach to possessions, you can experience a sense of freedom and clarity that comes with a decluttered space.

Try the 90/90 Rule Today

If you’re looking to simplify your life and reduce clutter, consider trying the 90/90 Rule. Start by conducting a regular item check, evaluating each item and asking yourself whether you’ve used it in the past 90 days and whether you anticipate using it in the next 90 days. If the answer is no, it’s time to let it go.

With this simple approach, you can gradually declutter your space and create a more intentional and streamlined living environment. Give it a try and see how the 90/90 Rule can help you achieve a more minimalist and mindful lifestyle.


Q: What is the 90/90 Rule?

A: The 90/90 Rule, popularized by The Minimalists, is a minimalist decluttering strategy. It suggests that if you haven’t used an item in the past 90 days and don’t anticipate using it in the next 90 days, it’s time to let it go.

Q: How can the 90/90 Rule help streamline my life?

A: By following the 90/90 Rule, you can evaluate your belongings and make decisions about what to keep and what to discard. This decluttering challenge helps simplify your living environment and minimize consumerism, leading to a more intentional and streamlined lifestyle.

Q: How do I apply the 90/90 Rule in practice?

A: To apply the 90/90 Rule, conduct regular item checks and ask yourself if you’ve used an item in the past 90 days or plan to use it in the next 90 days. If the answer is no, consider letting it go. By adopting a Minimalist approach to possessions, you can gradually declutter your space and create a more intentional living environment.

Q: What are the benefits of the 90/90 Rule?

A: Embracing the 90/90 Rule and decluttering your life can bring numerous benefits. You can experience reduced stress, increased productivity, and improved overall well-being. By simplifying your surroundings, you create a sense of freedom and clarity, allowing you to focus on what truly matters.

Q: Is the 90/90 Rule suitable for everyone?

A: The 90/90 Rule can be applied by anyone looking to simplify their life and embrace a minimalist lifestyle. However, it’s important to remember that everyone’s needs and circumstances are unique. Feel free to adapt the rule to fit your specific situation and make decluttering choices that align with your goals and values.

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